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ID 10197; "Spotted Ostracion"; Plate 15; Stewart; 1841; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Matted; $55.00 
ID 09572; "A Garden's Echo"; Helen Stewart; 2014; Book; Gallery; $17.00 
ID 02127; "Berkeley to the Barnyard"; Helen Stewart; ?; Book; Gallery; $19.00 
ID 02130; "Christmas Snowflake"; Helen Stewart; ?; Book; Gallery; $20.00 
ID 05323; "Consider the Gentle Creatures"; 17/30; Helen Stewart; 1999; Etching, aquatint; 9 x 13.5; Shrink; $260.00 
ID 10119; "Creation Through Colour"; Helen Stewart; 2016; Book; Gallery; $14.00 
ID 11116; "Drawn into the Garden"; Helen Stewart; ?; Book; Gallery; $22.00 
ID 02122; "Fall Flowers"; 16/30; Helen Stewart; ?; Etching; 5 x 9; Shrink; $120.00 
ID 05321; "Sheep Dog"; 8/20; Helen Stewart; 2004; Etching, aquatint; 7 x 9.5; Shrink; $130.00 
ID 02119; "Still LIfe"; 4/30; Helen Stewart; ?; Mezzotint & aquat & dryp; 9 x 7.5; Shrink; $150.00 
ID 09053; "The Little Hill"; Helen Stewart; ?; Book; Gallery; $12.00 
ID 05442; "The Patched Heart"; Helen Stewart; ?; Book; Gallery; $20.00 
ID 03291; "The Porcelain Doll"; Helen Stewart; ?; Book; Gallery; $20.00 
ID 07954; "Tree Song"; Helen Stewart; 2010; Book; Gallery; $16.00 
ID 03002; "Two Hands"; 9/10; Helen Stewart; 1981; Engraving, Drypoint; 4.5 x 5.5; Shrink; $45.00 
ID 03005; "Walk in the Woods"; 8/15; Helen Stewart; 1982; Etching; 6.5 x 7; Shrink; $60.00 
ID 02124; "Winter Farm"; 7/20; Helen Stewart; ?; Aquatint & drypoint; 7 x 9.5; Shrink; $110.00 

Number of rows displayed: 17

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